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My Lemon Beauty Routine For Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails

“When life gives you lemons – rejoice… Because lemons are expensive! Plus they have tons of health benefits and you need them to make hummus and guacamole!” — Me Hello, Beauties! Yes, I know that I just quoted myself. I am also well aware that guacamole...

6 Things I Love About Fall

“It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.”   — Sarah Addison Allen, First Frost Hello, Beauties! It’s official – Fall is here! As you can imagine, that’s a harsh realization for someone who likes to sips frozen...

Brand Lovin’ – Akamuti | Cruelty-Free Natural Skin Care

“Beauty is in the skin! Take care of it, oil it, clean it, scrub it, perfume it, and put on your best clothes, even if there is no special occasion, and you’ll feel like a queen. If society is hard on you, fight back by pampering your skin.”   — Fatema Mernissi...

I Wish I Knew This Before Going Vegan | Part 2

“Being vegan is easy. Are there social pressures that encourage you to continue to eat, wear, and use animal products? Of course there are. But in a patriarchal, racist, homophobic, and ableist society, there are social pressures to participate and engage in sexism,...