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Chitchat | Law Of Attraction, New Branding & Changes On The Blog

by | Sep 11, 2017 | LifeStyle

 Chitchat - Law of Attraction, Self - Development, Fashion and Styling

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.


— George Bernard Shaw

Hello, Beauties! It’s that time of the year when everybody is getting back to whatever they might be up to.
Kids are going back to school, students are getting back to college, moms are getting back to work, and me…
Well, I am going back to blogging.

In the last year or so I was considering to quit blogging far too many times. I started my blog with the intention of sharing my experience with acne and documenting my journey to healthier vegan lifestyle. I wanted to help others by sharing what I’ve learned and exposing some topics that are not widely spread regarding skin care, beauty, health and veganism.  And while I am still extremely passionate about all of these topics, I was struggling more and more to come up with new posts. I thought that I have lost my spark for blogging all along. 

The truth was that I’ve just outgrown my blog. There is much more to me than being a vegan or passion for makeup, but I was restricting myself to write about my other interests.
I was obsessed about becoming a “successful”  blogger and successful bloggers are focusing on a niche. Or at least that’s what Internet says. Well, it turned out I don’t want to be a successful blogger at all cost. 
I rather prefer to be a happy one!

As my love for blogging prevailed, I would continue on my journey but not without implementing some changes. So what to expect from me in the future? 

From Beauty to LifeStyle 

I decided to switched the main category of my blog from Beauty to Lifestyle. It just makes more sense to me at the moment and reflects the many topics that I want to blog about. As I said beauty and veganism will still be a part of the blog, but I’ll be adding more categories, such as…

Fashion & Personal Styling

Most of you probably don’t know but I wanted to be a Fashion Designer since I was a little girl. I also have an AP Degree in Fashion Design and Patterns and I have studied fashion for fix years in high school. So, as you can see I was having a passion for fashion for the most of my life, until one day I just gave it up all.
I let my negative self-talk to take the best out of me. Fortunately my desire for fashion and styling is slowly but surely coming back, so I want to dive in this creative world again. And I sure want to incorporate this life-long passion of mine here on the blog.


As a perfectionist and control freak (type me a comment if you can relate!), I’ve always been the kind of person who seeks continuous improvement. However, for the last 3 – 4 years I’ve been obsessed with my self-development. I am also proud to say, that I’ve made some significant improvements with myself. This is topic I am getting more and more passionate about, so I definitely want to include it on the blog. I have a bunch to share with you, lovelies! 

Law Of Attraction

Again, I was kind of studying the Law of Attraction (LOA) my entire life but only recently I started to refer to it as such and to use it intentionally for my own benefit. Although the LOA is getting more and more popular I realize that for some of you this still might sounds like a mumbo – jumbo. But the truth is – IT WORKS!
Whether we use it intentionally or not, it’s a law and it works every freaking time! I really want to share my knowledge and experience with the Law of Attraction, so you can use it to improve your life for good. 

New Branding

I am planning on revamping and rebranding my blog from the beginning of the New Year.  Although I really like the design of my blog as it is right now and I would miss it, I feel the need of rebranding. It will symbolize the new road that I am taking on and the new stage of my life.
Brad new better version of me is emerging and I want to celebrate her! 

Well, pretty much that’s it, Beauties!
I hope that you’ll enjoy the new topics and find them interesting and useful.

If you have any questions or suggestions about them, let me know in the comments below or send me an email! I always love to hear from you! 

Hey there, I am Lily! My jam is helping spiritual badass babes (just like you) to manifest their best life & flourish on every level by unleashing the power of their subconscious mind and their innate magick!

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  1. Bety Angelo

    I love your blog! Can’r wait to see what is coming up! xxx


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