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Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

The days are getting colder, the nights are getting darker and the drinks are getting warmer. Autumn is officially here!  And what better way to celebrate it than with Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte!  

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How To Achieve Glowing Skin With The Oil Cleansing Method

Hey, Beauties! I’ve discovered the magic of natural oils two years ago and I’ve been in love with them ever since. One of the reasons I love them so much is because natural and essential oils can pretty much substitute every product offered by conventional cosmetics. I used them for my skin care routine, as a body lotion, hair masks and many more.

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How To Choose The Best Face Oil For Your Skin Type

Hey, Beauties! First of all let me clear that out – no matter what skin type you have, you can benefit from using natural oils on your skin.  This is not a privilege only for those who have dry or normal skin.  Although there is a common believe that oily and combination skins do not need more “oils” on them, the truth is exactly the opposite. 

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Hey there, I am Lily! My jam is helping spiritual badass babes (just like you) to manifest their best life & flourish on every level by unleashing the power of their subconscious mind and their innate magick!

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Vegan Truffles & Rosé For My Name Day | Recipe Inside

“The rose is the flower and handmaiden of love - the lily, her fair associate, is the emblem of beauty and purity.”   — Dorothea Dix Hello, Beauties and Happy Easter! I hope you are having a blast and enjoying your holiday. I am in party mood since last Sunday...

7 Things To Do This Easter If You Are Vegan | 2017

“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”   — Janine di Giovanni Hello Beauties! Ester is upon us and although it is a symbol of regeneration and growth it’s not expected with a lot of anticipation from most of the vegans - me...